Methods and tools
The tools and approaches listed below have been specifically developed to aid governments and those advising them to understand and optimise synergies and trade-offs between different development and climate goals.
Engaging local communities in heatwave preparedness and response: a dialogue with the city of Malmö and Valencia
This event is part of a series addressing key issues related to climate adaptation and public participation. This event focuses on a dialogue engaging local communities with heatwave preparedness and response.
A Climate Assembly of 100 Catalan Citizens
100 Catalan citizens were randomly selected to participate in the six meetings that took place throughout the Catalan region between November 18, 2023 and February 10, 2024. Applying a dilemma-based approach during the whole assembly, participants worked first with experts and other stakeholders, before initiating discussions that ended up with a total of 48 (forty-eight) recommendations.