Agora Outputs
Agora Outputs
AdriaClim will address climate change threats by developing regional and local adaptation plans based on up-to-date meteorological and oceanographical information acquired through newly implemented observing and modelling systems for the Adriatic Sea.
AGORA: Pilot Case Study in Rome, Italy
The AGORA Project The AGORA project promotes societal transformation to empower local communities to address the climate crisis. AGORA aims…
AGORA: Pilot Case Study in Malmö, Sweden
The AGORA Project The AGORA project promotes societal transformation to empower local communities to address the climate crisis. AGORA aims…
AGORA: Pilot Case Study in Zaragoza, Spain
The AGORA Project The AGORA project promotes societal transformation to empower local communities to address the climate crisis. AGORA aims…
AGORA: Pilot Case Study in Dresden, Germany
The AGORA Project The AGORA project promotes societal transformation to empower local communities to address the climate crisis. AGORA aims…
RegionsAdapt is a pioneering initiative dedicated to empowering subnational governments worldwide to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Climate Change Adaptation in Austria
The Climate Change Adaptation in Austria (Klima Wandel Anpassung) platform focuses on what measures can be taken in different areas to remain fit for the future even under changed climatic conditions.
The AdapteCCa platform is a platform for exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change facilitates coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences.
Greek Climate Change Adaptation Hub
The Greek Climate Change Adaptation Hub plays a crucial role in supporting the implementation of adaptation policy and in raising awareness and momentum for adaptation action.
EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change Portal (MIP4ADAPT)
The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change empowers European regions and local authorities to achieve climate resilience, aiming to guide at least 150 communities through understanding climate risks, developing pathways for preparation, and implementing innovative solutions by 2030.
Romania’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform, RO-ADAPT, is an innovative tool for the substantiation of the national climate change policies and strategy, as well the sectoral ones in the climate change adaptation direction of action.
Climate Change Centre Austria
The CCCA is a network agent and mouthpiece for Austrian climate and climate impact research as well as a contact for climate change issues.