Online platforms

Climate change platforms


RegionsAdapt is a pioneering initiative dedicated to empowering subnational governments worldwide to adapt to the impacts of climate change.


The AdapteCCa platform is a platform for exchange of information on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change facilitates coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences.


Romania’s Climate Change Adaptation Platform, RO-ADAPT, is an innovative tool for the substantiation of the national climate change policies and strategy, as well the sectoral ones in the climate change adaptation direction of action.


Adapt2climate aims to make available existing information on climate change impacts, vulnerability assessments and adaptation in Belgium.

Climate Ireland

Climate Ireland connects and integrates scientific research, policy making and adaptation practice for the purposes of enhancing adaptation decision making in Ireland.

‘NI Adapts’ Planning Toolkit

NI Adapts aims to support organisations to undertake a 5-step methodological approach to ‘adaptation’ and build resilience to the potential negative impacts of climate change in Northern Ireland. pools practical, studied and reliable information on climate change into one address to support mitigation and adaptation in Finland