Registering and creating a profile on weADAPT allows you to share content, add comments to articles, case studies and blogs, to bookmark content and save it to your account for later, and to participate in our discussion forums, which are linked to the different Themes and Networks.
Users’ personal profiles also appear in our search function. This relies on keywords, so be sure to describe your interests, expertise and projects in the “About Me” section. This way, people who share common work areas and interests can find you and get in touch with you through the weADAPT messaging system.
Having a complete personal profile helps peers and potential collaborators to find you, to see where you work, what you are working on and what your interests are. Filling out your profile also allows you to create content on weADAPT, so that you can share your work and knowledge with your peers and potential colleagues.
Further information:
Do you have a climate adaptation action, initiative or case study to share, do you want to learn from other’s experiences, or are you hoping to connect, discuss and collaborate with others?
Request a new password.
When you request a new password you will receive an email. Please follow the link and update your password immediately.
Register for a free Agora Community Hub account and start adding your climate adaptation activities. If you already have an account then please log in.