Welcome to the forum!

Welcome to the Agora Community Hub forum!
This is a space to share experiences, challenges and ideas on how to face and adapt to climate change in different cities and geographical areas.

If you’re a policy maker and you started your adaptation process locally, you’re warmly invited to let the community know more about it, how it was designed, implemented and what kind of challenges and opportunities you encountered.

If you are part of an association or a business which was involved in such a process, kindly share your point of view.

If you part of academia and you joined discussions on local adaptation strategies, supporting the process thanks to your expertise, please let the AGORA community be informed of the contribution you gave.

And finally, if you are a citizen, you’re in the right place as well! Tell us more about your involvement in local adaptation processes, on the role citizens have and should have, connect with the other stakeholders and use this space for an open and constructive dialogue.

All of the users of this forum have a reason to be here, something to share on this virtual square and something to learn from taking part to the discussion. You might find that other communities in other geographies have encountered the same challenges in implementing local adaptation strategies, or that they find solutions you have not envisaged or tested yet.

Take your seat at this table and enjoy the discussion!

We aim to post all comments and forum posts, but will not post anything that we consider unrelated  to the topic under discussion. Your comment will be reviewed before publishing.