Climate Change Adaptation in Austria

The Climate Change Adaptation in Austria (Klima Wandel Anpassung) platform focuses on what measures can be taken in different areas to remain fit for the future even under changed climatic conditions.
Credit: Jakub David (Unsplash)


Climate change is happening. Even if greenhouse gas emissions were to be completely stopped, a further increase in temperature is unavoidable. In addition to increased climate protection measures, steps are needed to adapt to the unavoidable consequences of climate change.

The Climate Change Adaptation in Austria (Klima Wandel Anpassung) platform focuses on what measures can be taken in different areas to remain fit for the future even under changed climatic conditions.

Host Organisation: Federal Environment Agency

Launch date: 2024

Update status: Ongoing

Team: Federal Environment Agency in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and the Climate and Energy Fund

Main functions:

  • Sharing information about climate change
  • Highlight climate change adaptation related policies
  • Search climate change research
  • Provide information on good practice examples of implementing adaptation measures
