Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation

The Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation is the pre-eminent source of information for everyone engaged in climate adaptation in The Netherlands.
Multiple Authors
Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation - logo

Platform summary

The Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation is the pre-eminent source of information for everyone engaged in climate adaptation in The Netherlands. It features practical guidance and tools, inspiring examples, knowledge syntheses, a library with reports, and the latest news. Additionally, the Climate Impact Atlas, which is ancillary to the portal, provides an open-access collection of interactive maps showing current and future climate risks, as well as guidance on the interpretation and use of the data through Story Maps.

The portal is updated continuously in close collaboration with users, knowledge institutes, and consultancies. And through the strong links with national policies and programmes on adaptation, the portal supports the implementation of the Delta Plan on Spatial Adaptation and the National Adaptation Strategy.

Figure 2: Climate Impact Atlas map viewer

Exploring the role of the platform for monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of adaptation efforts and results is an emerging theme in The Netherlands. More and more actors have started to formulate strategies and implement actions, and hence questions arise regarding their progress and effectiveness. Currently, the managers of the Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation explore the potential role of the platform to support knowledge exchange, capture lessons learned, and drive innovation in the field of M&E.

Figure 1:Entry page of the Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation

Host Organisation: The Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation is managed and maintained by the Climate Adaptation Services (CAS), under the authority of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

Launch date: 2014.

Update status: Ongoing.

Funding: The Portal is funded through the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, as of its launch in 2014.

Team: Project leader (e.g. contact with ministry and partners), project administrator (e.g. finance, subcontracting), content manager (e.g. daily operations), communications manager (e.g. writing and editing), strategic advisor (e.g. strategic alliances, user groups, workshops), ad hoc capacity (e.g. visualisations, interviews)

Main functions:

  • Raising awareness on the need for climate change adaptation
  • Providing guidance on how to undertake adaptation
  • Providing access to and guidance on the use of climate maps
  • Providing decision-support tools for adaptation decision-making
  • Providing a support (e.g. help desk) service
  • Sharing adaptation solutions and case studies
  • Sharing scientific literature and research on adaptation

Intended audiences:

  • National-level decision makers / national government
  • City and regional-level decision-makers / local government
  • Communities / general public
  • Teachers / educators
  • Private sector / businesses
  • Research community
  • Civil society: NGO, charities, residents

Focus sectors for the platform:

  • Health
  • Agriculture
  • Oceans / fisheries
  • Forests and other ecosystems
  • Transport
  • Infrastructure / built environment
  • Finance / insurance
  • Disaster risk

[additional to KE4CAP survey options]

  • Water management
  • Nature
  • Recreation and Tourism
  • Energy
  • ICT & Telecm
  • Safety
  • Built Environment and Spatial Planning
  • Cultural Heritage

Why the platform was established

The platform was established to support a diverse audience in their adaptation efforts, providing support for the analysis of climate risks, the formulation of objectives and visions, the development of strategies, and the implementation of policies. At its initiation, the focus of the platform was especially on understanding climate risks and planning for adaptation in a spatial planning context. Throughout the years, the platform has broadened its scope to all sectors.

Figure 2: Climate Impact Atlas map viewer

Exploring the role of the platform for monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of adaptation efforts and results is an emerging theme in The Netherlands. More and more actors have started to formulate strategies and implement actions, and hence questions arise regarding their progress and effectiveness. Currently, the managers of the Knowledge Portal for Climate Adaptation explore the potential role of the platform to support knowledge exchange, capture lessons learned, and drive innovation in the field of M&E.
