Platform on Adaptation to Climate Change in Spain (AdapteCCa)

Platform summary
The AdapteCCa platform facilitates the coordination and transfer of information, knowledge and experiences relating to climate change adaptation in Spain. It connects the different Spanish administrations and the scientific community, planners and managers, both public and private, and other agents, allowing for a multi-directional communication channel between them.
Host Organisation: Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic challenge through the Spanish Climate Change Office (OECC) and the Biodiversity Foundation (FB).
Launch date: 2013.
Update status: Last update in July 2020.
Funding: AdapteCCa is funded by the OECC and the FB. The platform has been greatly enhanced since September 2016 through the LIFE SHARA project.
Team: 2 people coordinating the platform (1 from the OECC and 1 from the FB). 2-3 people updating contents, news, agenda, etc. 1 person managing the contact mailbox. 1 working group (5-7 people) managing the climate change scenarios viewer.
Main functions:
- Raising awareness on the need for climate change adaptation
- Providing guidance on how to undertake adaptation
- Providing quantitative data for adaptation decision-making
- Providing decision-support tools for adaptation decision-making
- Sharing adaptation solutions and case studies
- Sharing scientific literature and research on adaptation
- Facilitating multidirectional communication and coordinated work between Spanish competent servers in the field of adaptation
Intended audiences:
- National-level decision makers / national government
- City and regional-level decision-makers / local government
- Communities / general public
- Teachers / educators
- Private sector / businesses
- Research community
- Civil society (NGO / charities)
- Media
Focus sectors for the platform:
- Health
- Agriculture
- Oceans / Fisheries
- Forests and other ecosystems
- Transport
- Infrastructure / built environment
- Finance / insurance
- Disaster risk
- Biodiversity
- Water resources
- Hunting and mainland fishing
- Soils
- Industry
- Tourism
- Energy
- Society
- Costal Areas
- Mountain Areas
- Insular Areas
- Evaluation of Costs and Benefits of Adaptation
- Climate Change Scenarios
Why the platform was established
AdapteCCa is an initiative of the Spanish Climate Change Office, the Biodiversity Foundation and the units responsible for adaptation to climate change in the Autonomous Communities (regions), which jointly identified the need to facilitate information exchange and communication between all the experts, organisations, institutions and other stakeholders involved in climate change adaptation.
AdapteCCa contributes to reinforcing the National Adaptation Plan to Climate Change (PNACC) through increased mobilization of actors and enhanced coordination between the different administrations.